State, Regional and National IDeA Networks

IDeA Program Overview
Montana is one of 23 states and Puerto Rico participating in the Institutional Development Award (IDeA) Program led by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), a division of the Nationial Institutes of Health (NIH). The IDeA Program seeks to increase the competitiveness of investigators by supporting faculty development and research infrastructure at institutions where the overall success rate for NIH grant applications has historically been low. The program also aims to serve unique populations—such as rural and medically underserved communities—in participating states.
There are two components of the IDeA Program: INBRE and COBRE.
- INBRE stands for the IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence. INBRE grants are designed to enhance biomedical research capacity, expand and strengthen the research capabilities of biomedical faculty and provide access to biomedical resources for promising undergraduate and graduate students throughout the eligible states. Learn more about INBRE from NIGMS.
- COBRE stands for Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence. COBRE grants augment and strengthen institutional biomedical research capabilities by expanding and developing biomedical faculty research capability through support of multidisciplinary centers led by a peer-reviewed, NIH-funded investigator with expertise central to the theme of the grant proposal. Learn more about COBRE from NIGMS
Montana IDeA Programs and Centers
Montana INBRE award by the National Institutes of Health, Institute of General Medical Sciences (grant number P20GM103474). Return to INBRE homepage.
- Center for Structural and Functional Neuroscience (UM-Missoula)
- Center for Environmental Health Sciences (UM-Missoula)
- Center for Zoonotic and Emerging infectious Diseases (MSU Bozeman)
- Center for American Indian and Rural Health Excellence (CAIRHE) (MSU Bozeman)
IDeA Program Western Region
The Western IDeA Regional Network was formed to support regional collaborations focused on common scientific themes and includes collaborative seed grants, interstate opportunities for undergraduate student research, scientific and programmatic meetings, and resource exchanges. The Western IDeA Regional Network’s interstate activities augment the already strong networks in our individual states by expanding biomedical research collaborations and opportunities for faculty and students across the Western Region.
Western Region States
All States with INBRE Awards